Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Android Application for Private Tutors

Android Application for Private Tutors  

There is a trend in Thai education that many students prefer having an extra class. However, private tutors have to pay a fee in a high price to recommendation agencies in order to find students. For this reason, we have designed and developed a system called "FindMyTutor" on the Android operating system for students and tutors for free of charge. This system includes essential functions for recommendation agency program such as class scheduling calendar, web board community, and personal message. Moreover, we also equip additional functions that are very useful and have never existed in other applications such as tutor's personal introduction video and matching function for tutors and students based on their location, gender, rating, and age
B. System Structure Find My tutor consists of six main subsystems: register, login, order, searching, web board, notification, and management. J) Register: This subsystem functions to allow users, who are not our current members, to register. 2) Login: This subsystem performs authentication to allow only members to log into system. 3) Profile: This subsystem will show the member information. a.) Edit information-Users can edit their information by themselves. b.) Set location-Users can identify the coordinate of current location on a Google Map. c.) Set schedule-Users can add schedule in each time duration. d) Rating Tutor-Students who enrolled with tutors, they can vote the capability of tutors in order to make a decision in other students. e.) Introduction video-Tutors can upload video to introduce themselves before make a decision in other students. 4) Search: This subsystem is used for searching. a.) Input filter-Users can input subject, price, location, interval time and day in the schedule in order to searching. b.) Sorting logic-Application will sort tutors/students with similar filters. 5) Webboard: This subsystem is responsible for posting some information that all members need to know. a.) New topic-Users can create a new topic on the webboard. b.) Reply topic -User can reply each topic on the webboard. 6) Notification: This system allows member sending message to other member and receiving a new message. a.) Personal message-Users (tutors/students) can send message to each other's in the application. b.) Alert message-Application will alert when user has new message. 7) Management: This system allows the administrator to manage the system. a.) Add user accounts-Admin can manage user's system and allow new user accounts on the application. b.) Delete user account-Admin can delete user accounts when the person is making illegal. c.) Edit user accounts-Admin can edit some information of user such as contents on web board. d) Statistic report-Admin can see the amount of tutors and students
             Android Application for Private Tutors
"FindMyTutor" is an Android application that helps matching tutors and students based on their criteria. We plan to let users login to our system through social networking sites, e.g. Facebook and Twitter. Due to the fact that identification can be done easily in an online world, users have opportunities to look at the profile and picture of the tutor or student. "FindMyTutor" may not only be a program for recommending students for tutoring subjects, but also can apply to foreigners for searching Thai language or Thai cultural school via their smart phones. "FindMyTutor" is an application developed for Thai society, in which education is one of the most important factors. To evaluate our application, we plan to give questionnaires to users to get their feedbacks. CodeShoppy

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