Android Devices Student Attendance Management System
attendance management system is developedsuch that the students present in the
class can register theirattendance by scanning their student ID cards over not
only theteacher’s terminal device but also their own personal Androiddevices.
This system solves the problem with the conventionalsystem that it took a long
time for all the students to scantheir cards by a single terminal device. In
order to spoilcheating students who try to resister their attendance
illegallyfrom outside the classroom, we employ a BLE (Bluetooth LowEnergy)
beacon device to transmit a magic number necessaryfor proper registration
within the classroom.Keywords-android; NFC; BLE Beacon; attendance manage-ment
A. IdeaIn the former existing
systems the students had to scantheir cards individually one after another,
which takes muchtime until all the students are registered. The focus of
theproposed system is to decrease the time by scanning the IDcards over
multiple Android devices in parallel. We may usethe Android smartphones owned
by the students.In order to spoil cheating students who try to resister
theirattendance illegally from outside the classroom, we employa BLE beacon device
to transmit a magic number. Only theAndroid devices of the students present
inside the classroomreceive the signals of the beacon device that carries
themagic number. This signal covers the entire classroom about30meters wide and
long and is blocked by the walls. TheAndroid device is requested to send the
scanned ID andname together with the received magic number for
B. System overviewFigure 1 shows an overview of the
developed system.The proposed system has two parts, which are an Androidapplication
for the students and a web-based managementsystem for the teachers. The
students are supposed to haveinstalled the application in their android
devices. The teachershould create a set of class ID, name, and a magic
numberbeing the identifier of the BLE beacon on the web system.1) The teacher
prepares a set of ID and name of the classon the web-based management system
before startingthe class.2) Then, the teacher turns on the BLE beacon to
transmita magic number to the Android devices within theclassroom.3) Next, the
students run the application and scan theircards over the NFC reader. The
near-by classmates canalso use those devices.4) The Android devices within the
classroom receive themagic number transmitted from the BLE beacon.5) Finally,
the Android devices send the scanned ID andname together with the received
magic number to theserver.
Android application for registration of attendanceThis system works on the
Android devices which is themajor operating system for smartphones. The
students scantheir ID cards over the NFC reader after they run theapplication.
The ID and name read out of the student’s IDcard are displayed on the screen as
shown in Fig. 2.When the register button is clicked, the application
startslooking for a BLE beacon device. On detection of a beacondevice, the
application sends the identifier of the detectedBLE beacon device to the
server. Then the corresponding setof class ID and name is looked up by the
beacon identifierand is sent back from the server. As shown in Fig. 3, a listof
the classes taking place in this and near classrooms maybe displayed. The
students selects the class to register outof the list.
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