Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Redesigning Double Basket Shopping Carts

Redesigning Double Basket Shopping Carts

Android Projects Ideas

Grocery shopping can be a tedious process. There are many varieties to choose from, from fresh produce to packed goods, perishable goods and non-perishable goods. Shopping cart was invented in order to aid the in the process of grocery shopping. It helps transport the items from the shelf to the cashier/check-out. The double basket shopping cart is like a mini shopping cart with two baskets, one at the top and one at the bottom of the cart. Grocery shoppers use the double basket shopping carts to transfer the goods that they will buy to the cashier or counter. The grocery shoppers transfer each good to the counter for barcode scanning. After checking out of the counter, the grocery shoppers use the double basket shopping carts to transfer the goods into their cars or in any mode of transportation. On the other hand, the job of grocery clerks is to stack the merchandise to the shelves of grocery stores. This merchandise is carried by the shopping cart and also by the double basket shopping cart. Another job of the grocery clerks is to stack the double basket shopping carts together for compact storage. When the grocery shoppers tend to buy more goods from the grocery, their cart will be fully loaded and it will be hard for the grocery shoppers to push and maneuver the cart. Turning a fully loaded cart can also be hard for the grocery shoppers to maneuver due to the rigidity of the cart [1,2]. The main function of double basket shopping cart is to ease the transfer of the variety of goods that the grocery shoppers buy from the grocery store to the counter or cashier. It eliminates unnecessary handling of goods by hand which is not a practical way for the grocery shoppers. However, risks of having WMSD may arise due to the current design of double basket shopping cart [3,4]. Weight of the goods can be one of the factors that can give discomfort or pain to grocery shoppers and clerks especially when the double basket shopping cart is fully loaded [5,6,7]. A recent study shows that tasks regarding with pushing and pulling can also have risks of shoulder complaints rather than low back complaints. Grocery shoppers and clerks can acquire musculoskeletal disorders from repetitive motions, work postures and movements, and excessive force. Maneuverability is dependent on the weight of the load; it gets hard for the grocery shoppers and clerks to push and maneuver the double basket shopping cart when it is loaded [8-11]. The main objective of the study was to design an ergonomic double basket shopping cart that will reduce the risk of accumulating WMSD for grocery shoppers and clerks. WMSD-related risk factors in the current design will also be identified. This is done to help the researchers identify which characteristics of the cart needs improvement. The researchers’ proposed design of double basket shopping cart reduced the WMSD-related risk factors. The study was limited on the physicality and functionality of the cart and not the whole grocery system. The researchers used surveying methods like Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), Modified Nordic Questionnaire, NIOSH Lifting equation, and Surveys that helped them determine what risks might come with the use of double basket shopping cart. These methods helped the researchers propose a design of the double basket shopping cart. The sample of the researchers was limited on ages 20 to 65 years old.

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Friday, 10 January 2020

Android Devices Student Attendance Management System

Android Devices Student Attendance Management System

Code Shoppy Android Projects 2019 2020
Abstract—An attendance management system is developedsuch that the students present in the class can register theirattendance by scanning their student ID cards over not only theteacher’s terminal device but also their own personal Androiddevices. https://codeshoppy.com/shop/product/student-attendance/  This system solves the problem with the conventionalsystem that it took a long time for all the students to scantheir cards by a single terminal device. In order to spoilcheating students who try to resister their attendance illegallyfrom outside the classroom, we employ a BLE (Bluetooth LowEnergy) beacon device to transmit a magic number necessaryfor proper registration within the classroom.Keywords-android; NFC; BLE Beacon; attendance manage-ment system; 


A. IdeaIn the former existing systems the students had to scantheir cards individually one after another, which takes muchtime until all the students are registered. The focus of theproposed system is to decrease the time by scanning the IDcards over multiple Android devices in parallel. We may usethe Android smartphones owned by the students.In order to spoil cheating students who try to resister theirattendance illegally from outside the classroom, we employa BLE beacon device to transmit a magic number. Only theAndroid devices of the students present inside the classroomreceive the signals of the beacon device that carries themagic number. This signal covers the entire classroom about30meters wide and long and is blocked by the walls. TheAndroid device is requested to send the scanned ID andname together with the received magic number for properregistration.

B. System overviewFigure 1 shows an overview of the developed system.The proposed system has two parts, which are an Androidapplication for the students and a web-based managementsystem for the teachers. The students are supposed to haveinstalled the application in their android devices. The teachershould create a set of class ID, name, and a magic numberbeing the identifier of the BLE beacon on the web system.1) The teacher prepares a set of ID and name of the classon the web-based management system before startingthe class.2) Then, the teacher turns on the BLE beacon to transmita magic number to the Android devices within theclassroom.3) Next, the students run the application and scan theircards over the NFC reader. The near-by classmates canalso use those devices.4) The Android devices within the classroom receive themagic number transmitted from the BLE beacon.5) Finally, the Android devices send the scanned ID andname together with the received magic number to theserver. 

C. Android application for registration of attendanceThis system works on the Android devices which is themajor operating system for smartphones. The students scantheir ID cards over the NFC reader after they run theapplication. The ID and name read out of the student’s IDcard are displayed on the screen as shown in Fig. 2.When the register button is clicked, the application startslooking for a BLE beacon device. On detection of a beacondevice, the application sends the identifier of the detectedBLE beacon device to the server. Then the corresponding setof class ID and name is looked up by the beacon identifierand is sent back from the server. As shown in Fig. 3, a listof the classes taking place in this and near classrooms maybe displayed. The students selects the class to register outof the list.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

The Research on Sports Events Organization and Management Information System

The Research on Sports Events Organization and Management  Information System

Code Shoppy

In order to promote the management and control of the sports event organization process, must take reasonable means of information collection, the full collection of sports events in the process of information, and the accurate pass this information to the event organizers and managers, dynamic information to help the organisers to obtain real-time sports events organization plan in the process, task execution, sports resources, development the progress of the. Therefore, according to the construction characteristics of sports its own satisfaction adaptive changeable event organization and management process of the digital organization process of information acquisition and processing system of management of sports events, to meet the large-scale sports development of multi-source information process in real-time, accurate and comprehensive access to, has become an urgent problem to solve sports events organization and management. https://codeshoppy.com/php-projects-titles-topics.html In this study, process aware information systems (PAIS) as the basis, meet the sports events organization and management of large sports events organization and management information system.

Integrated use of systems science, management science, mathematical modelling, artificial intelligence, IT and other research methods in this study, a detailed analysis of the Large-scale Sport Events held in various work flow, information flow, a mathematical model based on detailed important issue of the functional requirements of the discourse of Large-scale Sport Events organization and management information systems, the basic framework of the overall design and core functionality, and implementation steps.


A.Functions and Level Structure of Organization and management of Large-scale Sport Events For the organization and management, based on the functions of the organization's management information system structure is the organization's functions and activities of the Organization hierarchy matrix description. The organization is the division of functions of the organization through the organization of the structural design. Design the organizational structure is not the only division of the functions of the organization is not the only one. For each functional department within an organization, have their own information needs, so need it to design an information system. This means that the organization functions in accordance with the need to use the information to establish management information systems, management information system to divide the functions of the organization subsystem. Code shoppy

B.System architecture System architecture design, distributed computing model (client-server computing), a variety of organizations build a business on the basis of communication networks, operating system services and database services.

A.Large-scale Sport Events organization and management information systems core functionality
In order to use the system more effective, We summarized the various functions of the organization of Large-scale Sport Events management system, grouped into 7 systems, These systems are Budget and Financial Management System, Risk Management System, Human Resource Management System, Logistics Management System, Communication of Information Management System, Marketing Management System, Competition Management System. The following discusses the main functions of these 7 systems. 

B.The implementation of Large-scale Sport Events organization and management information systems 
The deployment of Large-scale Sport Events organization and management information systems is very easy. We only need to connect the server to the Internet, meanwhile the branches connect to the Internet through ADSL, cable broadband or dial-up Modem, and then this platform can be used. Therefore, this platform is easy to manage and maintain, and requires a low cost. 

C.The key technologies of the Large-scale Sport Events organization and management of information systems development
The development of this platform generally adopts the user authentication methods. The overall design of the system adopts the modular development method. The system adopts B / S structure. The development of web pages is carried on by using ASP language, web page integration software using C++ language and website background database using SQL Server 2005. Know More